Let’s enjoy barbecue and real camping!
BBQ and camping will be held right after the conference at Ogijima Camping Site, which is a 30 minutes walk from the conference venue. In this post, I’ll describe what we do, the risks and hedges, and answer common questions on it.
Open Source, Open Sky.
The camp site is on the north of the island.
There are equipment such as restroom, shower, etc.

It’s 1.7 km away from the main village, that have the venue and the port, so let’s enjoy the little hiking. It’s going to be hot, and don’t forget to keep yourselves hydrated.

Barbecue after-party

Risks and cautions.
Please follow the instructions by the volunteers, all time. We’ll check the number of the attendees on departure off the port and arrival to the site. We’ll do it again in the morning, as well. We lead the walk with a car. We make sure nothing wrong will happen to prevent any injuries or deconditioning. It’s not a super dangerous place that even casual tourist goes back and forth everyday, but we are a hundred folk and we know that things get different when a lot of people have a lot of fun.
You can’t swim around the camping site. The tide around Ogijima lighthouse is very fast, and there are harmful jellyfish. The responsibility of the committee is limited inside the camping site, and happenings outside of the site, e.g. in the sea or seashore, are out of our scope. We close the gate to the shore at night.
There are wild boars in the mountain side of the camp site. You can’t go up to the hill or go back to the village alone. We will have a walk back session for those who attend the bbq and don’t stay in tents. You can’t setup your tents outside of the designated area.

All these risks are avoidable by us being careful. We will be in the nature and we don’t underestimate it. There will be a lot of kids, as well, so we the adults will keep everyone safe. We believe that’s the way we enjoy the event and we ask all attendees the same.
Questions and Answers
What kind of equipments will be there?
There are 4 shower rooms but they have only cold waters. Two restrooms for women, two for men.
Tents and sleeping bags?
We’ll prepare your tents and blankets. It’s summer so you’ll not need sleeping bags. You can also bring your own camping equipments and if you do so, please fill in the description when purchasing the camp ticket.
Accommodation in the tent will be separate for men and women. WordCamp Ogijima committee will decide who sleeps where, however, if you need special assistance, please let us know through questionnaire. If you are also attending with your family, friend etc. and wish to sleep in the same tent, please also mention it in questionnaire.
I’m afraid of bugs…?
All WordPress users dislike bugs. But it’s where the bugs are the real ones. You can be bitten by mosquitos and other small ones. We’ll prepare repellents but we recommend you bring yours, too. It’s possible that there are bees and wasps, depending on the weather, so please avoid black clothes and hats. We prepare poison remover and anti-histamine. Please notice that there isn’t a clinic on the island on the day, and in case of medical emergencies, it will take 10 minutes car ride to the port and extra waiting time for the ambulance boats to get to hospitals in Takamatsu city.
Those who really hate bugs, there will be another after-party in Takamatsu city around the same time. It’s going to be fun there, too!
What do we need to bring?
We are composing the list of the things you need to bring. Please wait.
Tickets are sold on Peatix from 20th May. There are BBQ+CAMP ticket, BBQ-only ticket, and Takamatsu after-party tickets. As for BBQ and camping tickets, the event will be strictly limited the ticket holders. As long as managing the amount of foods, beverages, and accommodations, the main reason we are strict is the safety. We need to know everyones name, phone numbers, address, etc for insurance and safety. We can’t take the risk of having anyone lost or added to the crowed.
If it rains, we cancel the bbq and camp. The alternative meals and accommodations are being planned. Details will be published very soon.
I hope it will be a friendly event and we need your presence and cooperation. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!